Micro Moments: What You Need to Know Now to Capture Your Audience

Capture Your Audience

Consumers have become all but completely mobile-centric, giving businesses an incredible amount of opportunities to reach them. Google has been dedicated to maximizing mobile experiences, and their recent concept of micro-moments is creating even more ways to consider how you are meeting your potential customer’s needs and providing valuable content. Micro-moments occur when customers turn to their mobile devices instinctively in highly motivated moments for answers to their questions, to make a purchase or to learn something new. When you factor in the 146% increase of “near me” searches, it’s obvious that local businesses have everything to gain by using the concept of micro-moments to their advantage.

Winning customers during these micro-moments will take more than just condensing existing content to look functional on mobile devices. You want to be present in these moments and able to give customers what they need while branding your business and capturing them into your customer funnel. This can be easier said than done but a great way to start is by understanding the four categories of micro-moments and how to create content to cover all the bases.

I want to know moments:

Over 65% of consumers are turning to Google searches to discover and research new information. Many people have such a wide variety of “I want to know” moments this area can be intimidating for marketers but the rules of engagement are much simpler than you think. The most important thing to remember when creating content for this micro-moment is that these are usually non-purchase driven searches. Businesses who fail in this moment, focus too much on moving passive customers into active customer roles and not enough on providing valuable content. Intent is high during a micro-moment. When customers search for information they want to know, they will quickly navigate away from a site with weak content or hard-sells masquerading as “I want to know” content.

I want to go moments:

Local digital marketing strategies shine in this micro-moment. 80% of mobile users learn about local businesses from SERPs so if you want to dominate this micro-moment focus on your local presence in a major way. Local SEO seems to be getting more competitive by the second mainly because of the increase in mobile device usage and smart SEO strategies of local businesses working to capture those customers on the move. It’s more important now than ever to make sure your Google My Business Page is optimized. The Google Local Pack will soon be reduced further from 3 listings to 2 listings, and one paid listing spot. Online directory listings, positive reviews and localized content on your website may help you secure that coveted space.

I want to do moments:

Consumers are motivated in “I want to do” micro-moments. These searches are from consumers who are ready to act and move towards solutions. A great way to capitalize on these moments is to match the need for action with visual action in the form of video content. Mobile users enjoy the convenience of seeking help with a task in the moment so make sure you satisfy their needs quickly and effectively. In this micro-moment, consumers are primed for the evaluation stage of the customer funnel, be specific to prove to them your business is a trusted source for information and assistance. Webinars are another fantastic content option to nail this micro-moment.

I want to buy moments:

This is the micro-moment all businesses and marketers alike work diligently to claim. In this moment consumers are making purchasing decisions, and speed is the name of the game if you want to secure their business. Your page should load quickly, 29% of users will leave if your page is loading too slowly. Move call-to-action buttons to the top of your page to give users the option to reach you with one quick tap. Eliminate any unnecessary clicks or steps on your site and focus on one-click functionality and drop-down menus. Consumers will appreciate this rapid access to satisfaction.