MedTech Marketing: Push vs. Pull


Trying to find better ways to inspire engagement with your brand?

Remember this simple fact: no one wants to be told what to do.

In other words, your target audience does not want to be pushed towards contacting you — they want to be pulled. The most effective marketing strategies in the healthcare industry are the ones that make such a strong case for your brand that physicians and clinical decision-makers can’t help but learn more or schedule a demo.

A good way to understand this is to put yourself in the shoes of the provider. They care immensely about personal relationships, as these drive the business necessary to improve patient care and grow revenue. So, if you’re pushing content to your audience in an impersonal and not entirely relevant way, they’ll reject what you have to offer.

Formula for Pulling in Leads

The first step is characterizing your value propositions, possible objections, and the sales process. Be aware of how each element can and will affect provider interest. Identify your ideal customers so you know exactly who to target and how to address their specific needs.

The next step is building assets that take these factors into account. Capitalize on the overlap between provider pain points and your value propositions — this is your best opportunity to generate and convert leads. Decision-makers want to know exactly how your technology will improve their practices. A better practice means higher patient satisfaction, which ultimately leads to greater success for the provider. This is part of the “pull” mentality — presenting interesting and engaging content that doesn’t force their hand. Prospects will spend more time learning about your brand after seeing assets that speak directly to their interests.

The third step is surrounding your audience with content on all relevant social media platforms and online channels. Reach providers in both professional and personal settings — the desire to improve their practices will be the same at home as in the hospital, office, or lab. Tie all social media platforms together so activity on one affects what they see on another, creating a hyper-personalized experience. This interactive digital conversation raises the chances of your prospects accepting calls-to-action.

The final step is following up when your audience engages. This step hinges on the ability to track which assets inspired each prospect to further interact with your company. Monitoring this information lets you see where each provider is in the buying process so you can tailor your assets to meet them where they are. Prospects who engage have clearly liked what they’ve seen so far, so the job of your sales team is to finish strong and convert that interest into a sale.

Set Your Sales Team Up for Success

Center your digital marketing strategies around pulling in leads, but focus your sales efforts on pushing those leads to a sale. After your marketing team qualifies leads and fills the pipeline with strong prospects, your sales reps can take charge and hone in on converting leads to customers.

Empower your sales team by sharing which value propositions (and their corresponding pain points) motivated each prospective client to reach out. When sales reps can dial in on what each provider specifically cares about, their conversations are much more fruitful. Equipping your reps with this information means greater success moving prospects through the sales funnel.

Creating a personal and relevant buying experience lets your audience know that you care about their needs and want to help them succeed.

Pull in qualified leads who are ready to buy. Jairus can help you implement “pull” tactics to attract warm leads primed for productive sales conversations.