Top Spinal Decompression Marketing Strategies

Marketing Strategy

Maximize New Patient Leads with These Top Spinal Decompression Marketing Strategies

The healthcare market forecasts expect an upswing in patients interested in chiropractic service including decompression in the coming years. Chiropractic medicine is a particularly popular market for the millennial customer base so reaching this audience with good spinal decompression marketing strategies will be highly beneficial to your business going forward.

Make your marketing budget produce by devising a diverse approach to spinal decompression marketing that casts a net large enough to stretch across platforms. Don’t leverage all of your efforts on one outlet. To reach your target audience you need to speak to them where they are by creating a marketing strategy that covers a combination of messages across digital and print platforms.

Spinal decompression is a safe and effective treatment that has high success rates for relieving pain and correcting spinal issues, but many patients lack proper education about the service and its benefits. Partnering with a chiropractic digital marketing agency can help you deliver consistent, effective messages with a decompression marketing strategy that will get patients inside your office and encourage brand loyalty.


Facebook is a preferred digital marketing tool of chiropractors because of the ability to narrow your targeted audience with specific demographic and location information to make the best of your marketing energy. You can’t help people with decompression services that they don’t know about so using the networking potential of Facebook to contact and link with other local businesses in your area could help grow your reach and visibility to help patients find you.

Facebook marketing is multi-layered, so you have both paid and organic options to add to your marketing strategy. Paid marketing is great and has returned positive results for many chiropractors but encouraging engagement by providing your audience with more than just an offer for service is key to generating organic traffic. One of the best ways to achieve organic traffic is by providing valuable content to your audience in the form of blog posts, status updates, videos, and images. A combination of paid and organic Facebook traffic expands reach while building brand awareness and reputation.

Decompression marketing Facebook strategies should also be multi-layered to compliment the multi-layered platform. Create a customer funnel journey that covers every stage of a patient’s process to decompression treatment. Educate them, address their fears and concerns, provide valuable informational content about specific conditions, create opportunities to learn more in your office and retain them as patients by continuing content about the importance of decompression treatment. Chiropractors are finding creative ways to utilize Facebook in their decompression marketing strategies with lucrative results and for maximum results, they are outsourcing Facebook decompression marketing to chiropractic digital marketing agencies for professionally designed strategies.


Instagram is a powerful marketing tool with a high volume of daily traffic that could open your practice to a wealth of untapped opportunities for decompression marketing. Chiropractors are expected to treat more than 35 million patients this year and many of those potential patients are new to chiropractic services and decompression. Instagram shines when introducing new patients to your practice and services because it’s a great tool to use to help new patients get familiar and comfortable with you and your staff. Instagram showcases the personality of your office through dynamic images, video and live streams that encourage engagement.

Decompression can be intimidating to new patients so using an Instagram marketing strategy to demystify the process can be valuable to increasing your business and trust between you and your audience. About one-third of Instagram users have made a purchase based on content on the platform so the tool is rich with potential business and the key to unlocking it is engaging and valuable content. Your Instagram marketing strategy should combine consistent content, responsive communication, videos and pictures that communicate the personality and culture of your practice and many calls to action on content to give interested new patients’ opportunities to give you feedback and engage with your staff in real-world communication opportunities.

Instagram marketing strategies are also essential to patient retention. Keeping up communication and engagement with existing patients using your Instagram profile creates stronger brand loyalty and word-of-mouth marketing opportunities within your followers’ social networks.

Google AdWords:

While social media marketing strategies based on platforms like Facebook and Instagram are great for branding, marketing and educating about decompression services, structuring your decompression marketing strategy solely around social media could make you miss out on other valuable marketing opportunities. Google AdWords marketing strategies for decompression services create valuable traffic of motivated potential patients to your website and landing pages.

Google AdWords campaigns use pay-per-click marketing tools to position your links as labeled ads on search engine results pages related to keywords for decompression services. There are two key benefits to Google AdWords campaigns that produce strong, high-quality leads. The first is transparency. When potential patients navigate to your website using a Google AdWords link, they know they are clicking an ad to learn more about a paid service or product. That implies a high level of intent to either take advantage of the service or a strong desire to learn more about it. Patients who find your practice through Google AdWords links are most likely a few stages into the customer journey funnel, they have some idea about the specifics of their condition and decompression and they are close to taking action to find a solution to their problem.

The second benefit is the targeting capability of the tool. Google AdWords allows users to define their target audience using parameters to narrow it by demographics and location. Adding a Google AdWords budget to your decompression marketing strategy could get you the visibility you need when potential patients are in your area and motivated to find decompression services. Many chiropractors rely on the high-quality traffic produced by Google AdWords campaigns to maximize their local reach and get patients to cross the bridge from their device to an in-person visit to the office.

Google AdWords campaigns are best coupled with a sound local SEO decompression marketing strategy to ensure that your practice is simultaneously ranking high in local keyword searches while running ads. Combining the two can create a bullet-proof stream of fresh traffic to grow your business.