Top Chiropractic Marketing Strategies You Need to Get New Patients in the Door

Marketing strategy

Healthcare providers are on trend to spend more of their budgets than ever before on marketing strategies to help them reach and communicate with their target audiences more effectively.

A strong marketing strategy is essential for any business, but chiropractors especially need campaigns that will create consistent local presence and focus on patient retention. No matter how much you have available in your marketing budget, making the right choices in marketing strategies to maximize your financial commitment is important.

While potential for increasing chiropractic practice profits is high, a poor marketing strategy can seriously reduce your potential to be successful in this competitive market. Your approach will take careful planning, financial dedication and time commitments to ensure you’re putting the best foot forward for your practice. Many chiropractors choose to reduce the potential for marketing mistakes by hiring chiropractic marketing agencies to benefit from the expertise and professional attention. Making the decision to work with a top chiropractic marketing agency can save you invaluable time.


Facebook has become one of the most effective lead generation tools for chiropractors looking to attract new patients and remain connected to their target market. One of the biggest marketing mistakes chiropractors make when they are new to growing their business on Facebook is viewing the tool as just a portal for paid ads directed at a narrow audience. Facebook is a multidimensional platform that should be approached with multidimensional marketing strategies that maximize both paid and organic marketing opportunities. This is one of the reasons why Facebook marketing is a flexible and often budget friendly option. Healthy Facebook marketing strategies take full advantage of the avenues to reach patients on the platform through written and video content, groups, direct messaging, paid ads, local networking and scheduled seminars with events.


Instagram is a high traffic area seeing over 500 million users each day and over a billion each month making it rich territory for marketing to new patients. Smart chiropractors have turned the light on their practice Instagram use with positive results and many chiropractic digital marketing agencies use Instagram marketing strategies as a vital part of their branding efforts. Instagram marketing strategies help to showcase the personality and culture of your brand and build trust with your audience. Potential patients are more likely to choose a practice that they can relate to and Instagram is one of the best platforms to help create those digital connections. Instagram marketing campaigns that include significant focus on building engagement, give potential patients the sense of an accessible practice which patients value in a healthcare provider. Utilizing stories, hashtags, videos, images and engaging content chiropractors have been able to increase traffic to their websites and build stronger trusted brands.


Local SEO marketing strategies create the traffic you need to get new patients in the door. We know that mobile optimization is key to keeping your practice’s digital presence afloat but, many chiropractors skip on focusing on local SEO and miss the point of mobile-friendly websites. Motivated patients are searching for solutions to their health issues within their immediate area meaning that when you’re optimizing your website to be viewed on the go, the same importance should be placed on being one of the first search results for chiropractors in your area. A tremendous amount of your success in local markets rests on the effectiveness of your SEO marketing strategy so many chiropractors choose to work with an agency for the best results. An agency will help improve your ranking in local searches as well as condition specific searches and searches for services offered at your practice. Successful SEO marketing strategies produce high-quality, valuable leads and are essential to every digital marketing campaign.

Google AdWords

Google AdWords marketing strategies create opportunities for chiropractors to reach new patients by using a pay-per-click strategy that displays labeled ads on specific keyword searches. Google AdWords is a targeted marketing approach that focuses on local searches within a short radius of your location. When patients find your business using a Google AdWords link that usually means they have a high level of intent to learn more about your services. Google AdWords ads are clearly labeled as advertisements so patients that use these links from keyword searches are aware your services are available in their area and they are interested in treatment or interested in researching their options for treatment. Google AdWords campaigns are flexible and can be tailored to your budget and availability for new patients. Many chiropractors outsource their Google AdWords campaigns to marketing agencies for professional targeting and maximum visibility and potential.


Marketing for your practice takes time and effort so, developing effective marketing strategies require you to work smarter not harder. CRM platforms give you the freedom to automate tasks to save you time while providing new leads and current patients with attention, consistent communication and information that makes all the difference in patient retention and lead conversion. CRM platforms put a personal touch on your digital communications leaving you time to create a five-star patient experience when patients arrive in person in your office. The combination of accurate and precise automated patient contact and more freedom to do what you do best produces a polished first impression of your practice for new patients. The other upside to CRM platforms is the added benefit of tracking trends and data to identify areas where you can strengthen your marketing strategies and new patient procedures. Considering CRM platforms for your chiropractic marketing strategy is a great decision for your marketing efforts and your overall business operations.

Newspaper and Radio

Digital marketing strategies are exciting and effective, but newspaper and radio are still valuable avenues to help you reach your audience. Newspaper and radio advertisement offer fantastic branding opportunities that can help your practice become familiar to a large audience of potential patients that may be missed by focusing all marketing efforts on digital platforms. Newspaper and radio marketing strategies ensure local targeting and require a small amount of maintenance after the ad has been developed. Well rounded marketing campaigns cover patient communication through diverse channels and adding newspaper and radio strategies could tip the scales in favor of your practice’s success.