You Need This Secret Weapon in Your Toolkit Now!


Wouldn’t you like to boost your brand, foster trust in your practice, improve your SEO and increase your social media engagement? The secret to meeting all these goals can be found in the resource many marketers leave untapped. User-generated content is content produced by unpaid contributors. User-generated content can be photos, social media posts, tweets, videos or blogs. Anytime someone is providing free information about your brand online they are providing you with valuable user-generated content. We know that over 90 percent of consumers are motivated by word of mouth recommendations, and most brands spend a lot of time and money making sure people are aware of their business to encourage these recommendations. UGC takes your brand a step further by providing authentic experiences new customers can trust.

People are becoming skilled at distinguishing marketing content, and as they become more familiar with it, your efforts at reaching your audience through sponsored methods can sometimes get ignored. UGC is a great way to cover all your bases and reach your customers at every angle. Here are a few reasons why you should be relying on UGC and how you can work towards building more for your brand:

Fostering Trust:

Trust is key when making decisions about healthcare and the number of options available can be overwhelming. It’s important to set your practice apart from others by communicating a trustworthy operation, and UGC is perfect to help you achieve that goal. You want new patients to come in your doors with confidence in your services and what better way to give them that peace than offering testimonials from satisfied patients? Encourage patients to tell about their experience with your office in their own words and share the information with potential new patients. You can also take your UGC efforts a step further by asking patients if they are comfortable sharing their experience on their own social media accounts or blog and increase your reach to their audiences. New patients will appreciate the authentic reviews and may be more inclined to book an appointment.

Boosting Brand Awareness:

With so much advertising these days, it can feel like brands are screaming at you for attention every time you open your browser. So, how can you boost awareness without coming across as more of the same? UGC pictures and videos are a great way to set your business apart from the pack and getting patients to provide them can be as easy as asking. When you have satisfied another happy patient, take advantage of the moment by asking them to take a quick photo with you or your staff for your social media pages and website. You’ll find that most patients will be more than happy to oblige and new patients will feel at ease visiting you for the first time after they have seen real people get real results. The great thing about UGC is that it comes naturally. When we have a great experience, we want to share it with the world so, give your patients an outlet to do so.

Increasing Engagement:

We interact with individuals differently than we interact with businesses and sometimes it can be difficult for a brand to really make a connection with new consumers. UGC makes it easier for new patients to make a personal connection with your office and encourages them to interact with you more on social media. Use photos of you and your staff to make sure new patients know they are engaging with real people and encourage conversation by commenting and replying with authentic responses to their questions and concerns. If they feel comfortable, encourage your patients to check-in on social media when they show up for another great visit, and you’ll find that one tag from a patient can open your potential up to a new audience of their friends and family.