Is There Too Much Competition For Your Business to Get in the SEO Game?


Launching an SEO strategy is something many business owners lack the time to do. You’re busy running your business, and you know how important SEO can be as an integral part of your marketing efforts. Yet, in a field of constantly evolving SEO strategies, how can you stay ahead of your competitors?

Maybe it is too late for your business to get into the SEO game, or is it? Truth be told, it’s never too late. The best solution for a smart business owner is to hire a professional team to help with your SEO marketing, particularly one that specializes in your niche or industry.

Google and other search engines are also changing the rules of the SEO game, in part to prevent SEO experts from taking over the web, and also to keep up with the rapidly changing forms of technology. Just in the past five years, mobile technology has taken over as the #1 choice for most browsers to search for products and services they need. Hence, Google also had to redefine its algorithm to meet those needs.

Some business owners fear launching an SEO strategy for several reasons:

  • Declining business. If your business has seen negative growth, you may fear spending any extra resources on an SEO campaign due to lack of capital to do it properly.
  • Lack of understanding. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is like a foreign language to some business owners. You’re a prominent and well educated dentist, not a marketing whiz.
  • Lack of time. Investing time to understand or properly launch an SEO strategy – on top of everything else on your plate – may feel like an unrealistic goal.
  • You did it once, and it didn’t work. Some businesses don’t understand that SEO is a constantly ongoing strategy, rather than a one-time deal.
  • So, they hire a company to do SEO and it worked (maybe a little bit) but then after a few months, the extra traffic to your website slowly dissipated.
  • Too much competition. If you live in a large city or region with a lot of competitors, it may seem impossible to beat them by using SEO as a weapon. They have a lot of traction and you are just beginning, so why bother?
  • Don’t know where to begin. SEO is befuddling, it’s true. If you don’t know where to begin, it may be time to seek guidance.